Publications Gyanodaya

Greetings from INMANTEC Publishing!

INMANTEC Institutions published its third biannual journal, Gyanodaya: The Journal of Progressive Education, in the year 2008. This biannual journal receives wide acclaim from eminent academicians, scholars & experts and is constantly being recognized as a valued medium for information dissemination.
In the year 2006, INMANTEC established a separate publication unit, known as INMANTEC Publishing. The objective here was to provide a common forum for researchers to exchange research findings, share experiences and promote good practices in higher education as a whole.
Our Journal is peer reviewed and indexed in different world reputed journal databases/directories and indexed in MIAR (ICDS – 3.0), Google Scholar, OCLC, WorldCat, Index Copernicus International, ESJI and DRJI. It is available in Print as well as e-copy (


The objective of this publication is to provide a common forum for researchers to exchange research findings, share experiences and promote good practices in education area. We at INMANTEC Publishing try to bring out the hidden talent of the researchers and academicians through rigorous editorial policies


The Journal is an attempt to keep the education fraternity abreast with the developments taking place in the field of education by showcasing informative research based articles, current issues in education, case studies, book reviews etc. We hope that the contents of this journal will be useful to the researchers and education Professionals.


Name with Responsibility Background Contact Details
Dr. Nidhi Agarwal
Principal. Integrated School of Education, Ghaziabad moc.liamgnull@7060lawragaihdin

+91 8860122262

Dr. Ananta Sharma
Associate Editor
Professor, Integrated School Education, Ghaziabad ude.cetnamninull@amrahs.atnana
Dr. Rama Krushna Charan Patro    Associate Editor cum Managing Editor Librarian, INMANTEC Institutions, Ghaziabad moc.liamgnull@ortapckr

+91 9810911223

Mr. Nasir Khan
Assistant Managing Editor
INMANTEC Institutions, Ghaziabad eude.cetnamninull@nahk.risan

Duties/Responsibilities of Editors

The editorial team of the journal Gyanodaya, comprising of the Editorial Advisory Board, is responsible for taking decisions as to which of the articles submitted to the journal are to be published. The Editors have complete discretion to reject/accept the articles. The Editorial team may confer/deliberate with reviewers/editors in arriving at decisions. The evaluation of manuscripts is made on the basis of their scholarly and intellectual content without bias to the nature of the institution including gender, race, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship or political philosophy of the authors. The journal follows a policy of fair play in its editorial evaluation. The Editors and the Editorial Staff follow strict confidentiality and are required not to disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding authors, reviewers and the publisher. Authors are encouraged to correct the errors which are found during the process of review.

Editorial Advisory Board

Name Background Contact Details
Prof. (Dr.) Gabriel Gomez Professor, The College of Education, Chicago State University, Chicago, USA ude.uscnull@zemog-g
Prof. C. Robert Mesle Chair Professor, Philosophy & Religion, Graceland University, USA
+91 9879258455
Mr. George M Jacobs Education Consultant, JF New Paradigm Education, Singapore ua.ude.ucjnull@sbocaj.egroeg
Prof. (Dr.) Alay Ahmed Dean, Faculty of Social Science, Preston University, Pakistan moc.oohaynull@7ujuk
0092-91-57 00 819
Dr. M. Yamin Associate Professor Faculty of Economics and Administration, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, KSA as.ude.uaknull@nimaym
6400000 Ext. 66865
Prof. Anju Grower Chaudhary Graduate Professor, Department of Communication, Culture & Media Studies, Howard University, Washington, DC, USA ude.drawohnull@yrahduahca
Dr. Anita Rastogi Professor, Department of Educational Studies Faculty of Education, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
Prof. C. P. S. Chauhan Professor of Education & Former Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh moc.oohaynull@nahuahc-spc
Dr. Harjeet Kaur Bhatia Head, Professor, Department of Educational Studies, Faculty of Education, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
01126981717/ 2112 (Extn)
Dr. Nakhat Nasreen Associate Professor, Department of Education, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh ni.oc.oohaynull@neersan_tahkan
+91 9410210252
Dr. Rekha Agarwal Professor, Department of Education, Central University of South Bihar, Patna
Dr. Lata Chandola Reader,Baikunthi Devi Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Agra moc.liamgnull@1102atalalodnahc
+91 9411650809
Dr. Neeta Gupta Assistant Professor, School of Social Sciences, IFTM University, Moradabad moc.liamgnull@649atpugateen
+91 9837451992

Reviewers Board

Name Background Contact Details
Dr. Jagdip Sonwane Professor, Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar, Gujarat moc.liamgnull@enawnospidgaj
Dr. Ananta Sharma Professor, Integrated School of Education, Ghaziabad ude.cetnamninull@amrahs.atnana
Dr. Vikas Mishra Associate Professor, Akbarpur Degree College, Kanpur (D) moc.liamgnull@526sakiv
Dr. S. D. Singh Chairman (UP), CTE & Ex-Principal, KRTT, Mathura moc.liamgnull@rtmvedaytas
Prof. Tariq Badar Controller (S&P), CSIR-Human Resource Development Center, Ghaziabad/Delhi moc.oohaynull@k2ratselop

Duties/Responsibilities of Reviewers

Editorial decisions are based on peer review. The reviewers are expected to maintain absolute confidentiality with regard to the contents of manuscripts. The reviews are to be conducted objectively and the reviewers are expected to express their views clearly with supporting reasons. The reviewers should have no conflict of interest with the authors and the subject matter of the research. Similarities or overlaps between the manuscript under review and any other published paper of which the reviewer may have personal knowledge, may also be brought to the attention of the editors. The information or ideas obtained through peer review are of a privileged nature and must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage. Reviewers should not consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative or other relationship with any of the authors or institutions connected to the papers.


Submission of a manuscript for “Gyanodaya: The Journal of Progressive Education” should be the original work of the author(s). Author(s) is/are required to transfer the copyright of the manuscript to the publisher for publishing in the journal. The publisher holds copyright of the manuscript unless otherwise communicated. It further implies that the manuscript submitted has neither been published nor been kept under consideration for publication. Provide the list of reference at the end of the paper in sequence as per the guidelines and the examples suggested. The reference guidelines for the author(s) are provided below according to “The Harvard Reference System” (also known as the author-date system) of citing other works.

Surname, initials. (Year of publication), Title of book in italic, Edition, Publisher, Place of publication, pp. reference page.
Example: Patton, M.Q. (1990), Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods, 2nd ed., Sage, Newbury Park, pp.111-24.

Surname, initials. (Year of publication) “Title of chapter” in Editor surname, initials (Ed.), Title of the book in italic, Edition, Publisher, Place of publication, Chapter page numbers.
Example: Gupta, T.N. (2009), “Role of ITC to elevate teacher education”, in Agarwal, N. (Ed.), Paradigm Shift in Teacher Education, Vayu Education of India, New Delhi, pp. 29-32.

Surname, initials. (Year of publication), Title of Book, Edition, Translated by Translator name, initials. Publisher, Place of publication.
Example: Bourdieu, P. (1977), Outline of a Theory of Practice, translated by Nice, R., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Surname, initials. (Year of publication), “Article title”, Journal Title in italic, Volume number, Issue number (if it exists), Article page numbers.
Example: Eqbal, M. (2006), Exploring legal information through www: A study, Vidhigya: The Journal of Legal Awareness, Vol.01 No. 2, pp.45-54.

Some papers may not be published in journals but may be delivered at a conference and then published as part of the proceedings of that conference, in which case, use one of the following styles as appropriate.
Example: Lodi, E., Veseley, M. and Vigen, J. (2000), “Link managers for grey literature”, New Frontiers in Grey Literature, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Grey Literature, Washington, DC, October 4-5, 1999, GreyNet, Amsterdam, pp. 116-34.6.

Organization name (year of publication), Title of report in italics, Publisher and place of publication. (May be same as author).
Example: European Commission (1998), Fostering Entrepreneurship in Europe: Prioritie for the Future, European Commission, Brussels.

This refers to a source which is only available electronically, and not to sources which you may have accessed electronically but which are also available in print form, such as an article from an Emerald journal accessed via the Web. Name (year of publication) “Article title” available at: full url (accessed date). For last two elements, please try to remember the following conventions:
• When giving url, “http:” should only be included if the address does not include “www”
• (accessed date) is important because of the lack of permanence of Internet site.
Example: Better Business Bureau (2001), “Third-party assurance boosts online purchasing”, available at: (accessed 7 January 2002).
Example: Ballantyne, D. (2000), “Dialogue and knowledge generation: two sides of the same coin in relationship marketing”, paper presented at the 2nd WWW Conference on Relationship Marketing, November 1999 February 2000, Monash University and MCB University Press, available at:

Surname, initials. (Year of publication), “Article title”, Journal Title Volume number Issue number, Article page numbers, Available at: url (accessed date)
Example: Swaminathan, V., Lepkoswka-White, E. and Rao, B.P. (1999), “Browsers or buyers in cyberspace? An investigation of electronic factors influencing electronic exchange”, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Vol. 5 No. 2, available at: www. jcmc/vol5/ issue2/

**To download the Guidelines in PDF file click here

Publication Ethics

Gyanodaya: The Journal of Progressive Education is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and takes all possible measures against publication malpractice. Authors who submit papers to Gyanodaya attest that their work is original and unpublished, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. In addition, authors should confirm that their paper and research work is their own; that it has not been copied or plagiarized, in whole or in part, from other works; and that they have disclosed actual or potential conflicts of interest with their work or partial benefits associated with it.
The key points of our Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statements are mentioned below which are primarily driven from code of conduct prepared by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), available at .

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism is to claim authorship of a document, a part of document, or some small sections of a document, which are not authored by claimant. It is a common practice among academicians to quote past works done in that area or quote work by others to support their arguments or thoughts in the document. However, to do so without properly acknowledging the source or original author both in text and references in proper and clear order constitutes plagiarism.

As per international intellectual laws, plagiarism is a serious offence.
Common Forms of Plagiarism
a) To use a phrase or sentence of some other author in your work without prior approval or acknowledgement
b) Copying word-to-word from work of others
c) Paraphrasing the words very closely from someone else’s work
d) Using material downloaded from the Internet as it is or without quoting and acknowledging the source
e) Using borrowed statistics, figures, photographs, diagrams, pictures etc. from some other work without prior permission or written acknowledgement of the source
f) Picking up portions of your own previous work published elsewhere.

In simplest terms, it means, author of any publication has to differentiate very clearly what is his/her contribution and what is borrowed from elsewhere with proper acknowledgement of the borrowed contents both in texts and references as per international accepted standards of referencing while submitting a manuscript for publication consideration. We accept Harvard Style referencing. All manuscripts submitted to INMANTEC Publishing will be scanned through plagiarism detection software. We expect a manuscript to be totally free of plagiarism material. However, plagiarism not exceeding 15% will be accepted for consideration after going through the plagiarised contents and establishing its relevance to the essence of the submitted research work.

Plagiarism Acceptance/Rejection Criteria

Extent of Plagiarism Action
=15% Research work is accepted for further action
=15% to ≤ 40% Research work is returned for amendments
>40% Research work is rejected summarily

Author(s) of any submitted work will have to submit a signed undertaking available at institute website and with the respective editor clearly mentioning about the originality of the work, declaring in clear terms that the submitted research work hasn’t been copied from any other source and taking ownership of problem, if any, occurring in future due to their submitted research work.

Author(s) will be solely responsible for any complication arising out of any unethical practices adopted, if any and INMANTEC Publishing or the institute will in no way be responsible for any unethical practice on the part of the author(s).

**To download the Plagiarism Policy in PDF file click here


To subscribe to the Journal “Gyanodaya” download the subscription form, fill it up, pay the nominal charges and send the form along with the payment receipt to
The Managing Editor
Gyanodaya: The Journal of Progressive Education
Integrated School of Education
Adhyatmik Nagar, Delhi_Hapur Bypass (NH-24)
Udyog Kunj, Ghaziabad, UP- 201009, India

We would also be glad if your institution subscribes to our journal or enters into journal exchange arrangement between “Gyanodaya: The Journal of Progressive Education” and your in-house publications ……………………………………………………………..for better knowledge sharing and dissemination.

Download the Subscription form from Gyanodaya-SUBSCRIPTION-FORM.pdf

If you have any query feels free to write to us at ude.cetnamninull@ayadonayg


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